365 Designs: No melt no mess diy candle making >

No melt no mess diy candle making

  Hi friends.  I hope everyone's having a great December. It's been one long crazy year right! The great thing about New Year's approaching is the opportunity for new beginnings. It's  the perfect time to take a chance and try something different. I decided to get a start on the new year by trying a  DIY project I've never done before. I've always wanted to take a shot at candle making. I don't know about you thought of melting wax and carefully pour it into small containers isn't something someone as clumsy as myself should ever be doing. Well, you're not going to believe this but I found a way to make candles without ever melting wax. Keep reading for the list of supplies and instructions for this super easy DIY project...... 

  • Mini mason jars or glass votives
  • Soy wax flakes
  • Candle wicks (size, aka diameter of wick, depends on size of jar)\
  • Candle fragrance of essential oil

  Start by preparing your jars by cleaning out any extra residue on the inside (and outside if painting/staining) with rubbing alcohol.  I bought my jars at ACMoore-I love their size and shape! I chose to use chalk paint in the recessed areas and labeled them with the appropriate fragrance.

Insert the candle wick. While holding the wick in place, slowly fill with soy wax flakes. *if using fragrance fold the oil into the wax flakes before filling.

As you fill, pack Down any air spaces between the wax pieces.

Fill to approximately 1 inch from top and  trim wick.

That's pretty cool right. 
You can make candles quickly and easily 
without ever melting 
or pouring wax!

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