I wanted to try to make faux jade from polymer clay but, I thought this other technique might be more interesting to try. It shows you ways to make pitted lava beads from clay. I wanted to try this in a pinkish color instead and I realized it was starting to actually look like coral.
This project is very easy. It just requires you to make a lost of tiny balls. Anyway, I've long since given up on making the 'perfectly round bead' from clay. I really enjoyed how this technique helped easy that process.
Beads with no fingerprints! How great is that!?
Ok so here's what I did.
1. Mix Premo* Polymer Clay, White Translucent* and a shade of your choice. I used pink with added white.
5. Using a paperclip poke holes through clay.
6. Bake for 30 min.
7. Remove from oven and put into a bowl of water. scrub any non-dissolved salt away.
That's all there is too it. String up the beads on stretch cord you can buy at a Craft store and you're all done
*Even though I have some SculpeyIII, I find Premo to be the best of the clays and regular "translucent" too 'beige' looking when dry so use the white translucent.