365 Designs: Adding a pop of spring color with Monrovia plants and easy DIY repurposed hanging basket stand >

Adding a pop of spring color with Monrovia plants and easy DIY repurposed hanging basket stand

  Spring is finally here! I always love when the weather starts to get warmer so I can spend more time outside. I literally shift my entire workspace outdoors onto my deck as soon as the temps get above sixty.  There's something about working outside that inspires you to be more productive. Whether it's the fresh air or the bright sunlight it definitely makes you feel good.
  To make my deck feel even more welcoming I like to add a few plants. Since the nighttime temps are a little to low for my usual annuals,  I headed on over to the Monrovia website to find out which plants would be great for early spring.  Once I picked out the perfect plants for adding that much-needed pop of color, I needed to find something to put them in. 
  I really love the light airy look of coconut lined hanging baskets, however, there really isn't anywhere on my deck to hang one.  I decided to create my own stand that would be great for use with one of the MANY old wire baskets I've kept from last year. (I think I may inadvertently be a container and hanging basket hoarder!!) Keep reading for this super simple DIY that turns last years gardening leftovers into this year's new,on-trend hanging basket stand.

Thanks to Monrovia for sponsoring today's post. The content and opinions expressed here are 100% my own.

  • Tomato cages
  • Wire hanging baskets
  • Heavy duty wire cutters
  • Spray Paint and Sealer*optional
  • Wire bristle brush

If your yard looks like mine at the end of winter, you know exactly where I'm coming from. While you're straightening up your messy, leaf ridden, moss-grown yard, gather a few leftover tomato cages. 

Take the chains off of your hanging basket. Invert the tomato cage and place the basket, depending on its size, on either the first or second ring. You're going to have to use your wire cutters to trim the basket to its appropriate height. 

Cut the long wire ends to about 2 inches in length.

Bend the wire around the top of  hanging basket to secure. Trim off excess wire if needed.

Use a wire bristle brush to remove any rust or dirt.

After your wire is cleaned, spray in long even strokes. I really love the genuine copper color of this paint by Rust-Oleum. It's a great choice if you want the look of real copper wire. Once the paint dries apply an outdoor sealer, if needed.

When you head over to the Monrovia website you can purchase the perfect plants for spring based the climate and zone where you live. I love how Monrovia plants stand apart from the others. Their select varieties allow me to create unique custom planters, hanging basket and flower gardens that really make an impact!

I like planning the way my basket will look before planting.  I usually go with the old adage "less is more" and avoid overcrowding them. The plants will fill out over the course of the season and grow much better.

It's  important to choose vigorous, healthy plants like Monrovia to give you an advantage when it comes to plant success. This is especially true when it comes to planting perennials.  Monrovia provides great info with all of their plants as well as helpful tips when you sign up for their free newsletter.  

DIY wire hanging basket plant stand for planting spring flowers

Do you have any tips for choosing plants 
to add that much-needed pop of spring color?
We'd love to hear your comments!

Make sure to check out Monrovia's
 Grow Beautifully program
and try creating a 
low-water, low-maintenance garden 
or learn about their 
NEW reblooming Blue Enchantress® Hydrangea!!!

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